
The Surakarta Textile and Textile Product Industry Community Academy (AK Tekstil-Solo) is a vocational education institution that has been established since 2015. AK Textile-Solo which is under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) was formed to meet the needs of the textile industry. "AK Textile-Solo is ready to print students who are ready to work," said AK Textile-Solo Public Relations Officer, Sekar Tanjung, Thursday (22/9/2022). "We have shown this by cooperating with or conducting MoUs with 16 industrial partners," he said.

Sekar revealed, Solo Textile AK students have been introduced to the world of work since the beginning of college. Moreover, with this collaboration, students and industrial partners can already benefit from each other.

"We have introduced them to street vendors, so students are 4 semesters. With a total of 2 semesters of students at school, 2 more semesters are in industries that have already signed the MoU," he said.

At the time of graduation, almost all of the students were already working in some of these industrial partners. The formation of AK Textile Solo was built due to the development of science and technology as well as increasingly competitive competition.

"So to enter the world of work, more and more professional human resources are needed," he said.

This certainly has an impact on the development of higher education institutions.

"From the industry, which is growing rapidly, it requires skilled workers, then we AK-Textile provide these human resources," he said.

"The bottom line is we are mutually beneficial," he added.

AK Textile-Solo has 3 Study Programs, namely the Yarn Making Engineering Study Program, the Woven Fabric Making Engineering Study Program, and the Garment Manufacturing Engineering Study Program. Since its establishment in 2015, AK Textile-Solo today, Thursday (22/9/2022) added 149 graduates from the sixth batch. AK Textile-Solo itself has produced 1,129 people with a total of Diploma 2 graduates from batches I, II, III, IV, V and VI.

AK Textile-Solo building is located on jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara, Jebres, Kec. Jebres, Surakarta City. A total of 149 students of the Surakarta Textile Product and Engineering Industry Community Academy (AK Tekstil-Solo) class VI graduated today, Thursday (22/9/2022). The class VI graduates consist of several study programs.

Among them were 37 people from the Yarn Making Engineering Study Program, 34 people from the Woven Fabric Making Engineering Study Program, and 78 people from the Garment Manufacturing Engineering Study Program. With the addition of 149 graduates from the sixth batch, AK-Textile Solo has produced 1,129 people with a total of Diploma 2 graduates from batches I, II, III, IV, V and VI. Of the 149 graduates, there were 94 people who received the Cumlaude predicate.

"For this generation, what is proud of is the number of cum laude graduates, or 63 percent," said the Director of AK Textile-Solo, Ahmad Wimbo Helvianto, Thursday (22/9/2022).

"At this sixth graduation ceremony, each study program has determined the best graduates and graduates," he said.

"We congratulate you on the predicate achieved, hopefully these achievements can be maintained and improved to compete in the current era of globalization," he said.

AK Textile-Solo graduate is one of the state universities in Indonesia which is managed by the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia. The academy was founded in 2015 to meet the needs of the textile industry.

This is due to the high demand for skilled-level workers for the textile and textile products (TPT) industry. Currently, AK Textile-Solo has worked with 16 industrial partners, namely PT Sri Rejeki Isman Tbk., PT Dan Liris, PT Excellence, PT Duniatex, PT Bintang Asahi Textile Industri, PT Indiratex, PT Behaestex, PT New Minatex, PT Sekar Lima. Pratama, PT Unggul Rejo Wasono. There are also PT Usmantex, PC GKBI, PT Pan Brothers Tbk., PT Anggun Kreasi Garment, PT Globalindo Intimates, and PT Mataram Tunggal Garment.