
Export performance continues to show a positive trend during 2022, which is more than US$ 56,231,019. The textile and textile product (TPT) industry is the largest export-contributing commodity so that it becomes a support for regional economic growth. So far, official export documents are served at the Solo Trade Office (Disdag). Based on data from the Solo Trade Office, the actual export value throughout 2022 was 10,904,427 kilograms or US$56,231,019. There are more than 10 export commodities ranging from batik, cigars, rattan furniture to TPT.

Head of Export Development and Marketing of Domestic Products, Endang Kurnia Maharani, said that export performance recorded a positive trend in line with the expansion of the national and regional economies.

This positive trend is shown during the fourth quarter of 2022.

"During the Covid-19 pandemic, export performance did drop due to minimal demand from overseas buyers. For 2022 there was also a decline in exports in August-October. Product exports are in a sluggish condition. However, November and December were boosted again so that there was a significant increase," he said, Tuesday (17/12023).

This positive trend is shown by one of the textile and textile product (TPT) commodity industries, which has become a support for regional economic growth, absorbing thousands of workers. The export value of TPT commodities throughout 2022 will reach US$11,741,669.

Last January, the realization of TPT exports touched US$2,193,301, while in June it reached US$2,097,230.

"For semester II/2022 there is a decline in the value of exports for TPT commodities. The average is above US$300,000," he said.

Other commodities such as batik also show positive performance during 2022, reaching US$8,218,085.

Followed by the export value of plastic which penetrated US $ 6,369,487.

The positive trend of a number of these commodities is believed to continue in 2023 in line with improving economic growth and the commitment of the main business actors to maintain the business climate in the country.

Meanwhile, the Sub-Coordinator of Trade Facilitation for the Solo Trade Office, Veronica Erna Kusumaningsih, said that the government is trying to facilitate and encourage business actors to penetrate the global market chain.

So far, the Solo Trade Office has collaborated with the central government and associations of business and industry actors to conduct training to improve the quality of human resources (HR) and products.

"Export training is carried out with the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) so that prospective exporters can enter the global market," he said.