
The Circular Economy expert from Waste4Change Bijaksana Junerosano encourages the government to require the implementation of a circular economy for companies operating in Indonesia.

"Currently we are pushing for the government to require companies to implement a circular economy. This means that it is mandatory for companies to apply green energy in producing products," said Sano.

Sano stated that the implementation of a circular economy in five priority sectors has the potential to generate a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Rp593 trillion-Rp638 trillion in 2030.

"The direct GDP impact on these five sectors can generate up to IDR 312 trillion," said Sano.

The five sectors referred to by Sano are food and beverage, textiles, construction, wholesale and retail trade related to reducing the use of plastics, as well as electronics.

In addition, the circular economy also reduces the waste of the five sectors by 15 percent to 52 percent and reduces carbon emissions by 126 million tons, as well as water use by 6.3 billion cubic meters by 2030.

Other benefits that will also be obtained from the implementation of a circular economy are the creation of 4.4 million jobs in 2030, as well as saving household expenses by up to 9 percent or around 4.9 million per year in 2030.

"The implementation of the circular economy in Indonesia in these five sectors contributes significantly to reducing waste and making waste recyclable," said Sano.

Sano appreciates the government's efforts to support the implementation of a circular economy, because it has included the concept in the National Medium Term Program Plan (RPJM).

As for the RPJMN, the national priorities to be targeted in the implementation of a circular economy are firstly strengthening economic resilience for quality and equitable growth, as well as building the environment and increasing resilience from disasters and climate change.