
Sukamaju Village Head Acep Handana revealed that around 50 percent of textile factories in Sukamaju Village, Majalaya District, Bandung Regency were temporarily closed.

The closure of the textile factory led to the occurrence of new unemployment experienced by workers so that it had an impact on the economic sector of the wider community.

"We estimate the temporary closure of the textile factory in Sukamaju Village due to the impact of the Java Bali Emergency Community Activity Restriction (PPKM) policy on July 3-20 2021. This is because stockpiles of goods accumulate while sales are minimal. So the company was forced to stop production," complained Acep. Handana to galajabar in Sukamaju Village, Friday 9 July 2021 night.

According to Acep Handana, the temporary closure of textile factories has become a new problem that cannot be avoided by employers and workers.

"With the temporary closure, the fate of workers will automatically be laid off from their workplaces. The workers are also feared to lose their income when the textile factory which is their daily workplace is not operational," he said.

Acep said, based on information in the field, textile companies were temporarily closed due to lack of orders or orders for textile goods or products.

"If there are no orders, then the continuity of the company will be hampered. So one of the last resorts taken by the entrepreneurs is to stop the company's operations until the conditions for marketing or ordering goods or textile products return to normal," he said.

Acep is worried that the temporary closure of a large company that employs hundreds of employees in each company will cause a large increase in unemployment.

"If many of them are unemployed, how will the economy survive. Meanwhile, the textile factory is one of the economic sources for the workers for their daily economic survival," he said.

According to him, with the large number of unemployed, new problems will arise and become a burden on the government.

"At least they should get assistance, and the government's attention. Meanwhile the budget that goes to the village is limited, as a result of the refocusing," he said.