
Basrie Kamba officially leads the Regional Representative Body (BPD) of the Indonesian Textile Association (API) Riau for the 2021-2026 period. Basrie was elected in the provincial assembly last Friday (28/8).

In his remarks, Basrie, who is also the Director of PT Asia Pacific Rayon, hoped that during his leadership period he could revive the textile and textile product (TPT) industry in jasmine earth, which had existed enough around the 1980s. "I will not have the slightest doubt that API Riau can make this dream come true, but of course I can't do it alone and it must be realized together," said Basrie.

Basrie believes that Riau textiles, which are dominated by MSMEs, will give a big enough enthusiasm for the running of this association. He said, the dominance of the textile industry is from the mothers of SMEs. He saw that many mothers have a passion for industry and business that is quite large.

This association, he continued, is not just an administrator but a shared dream. Not only beneficial for members of BPD API Riau, but also for all Small and Medium Industries (IKM). Basri said the current government also supports textiles to become a priority industry.

"Maybe this year it will also be announced that Indonesia wants to become the center of Muslim clothing in the world. This government support is a big potential for us," he explained.

The API Riau board that will be formed will have three main tasks. The first is to develop programs according to the potential and challenges that exist in Riau. Second, the work program that is made later must be able to contribute to the national TPT Riau.

"The third is how to partner with the regional government. In the near future after the board is formed, we will have an audience with the governor," he explained.

Head of the Department of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Disperindagkop and UKM) of Riau Province, Asrizal said that Indonesia has great natural resource potential to revive the textile industry, including raw materials for acacia and eucalyptus trees which can be processed into yarn and then into cloth.

"This is what APR made into rayon. APR is the first integrated viscose-rayon producer so that the future of the textile industry in Riau is expected to be bright," Asrizal said.

Secretary General of the Indonesian Textile Association (API), Rizal Tanzil Rakhman said the condition of the Indonesian textile and textile product industry was currently experiencing unfavorable conditions due to the Covid-19 pandemic which is still ongoing. This condition forced his party to increase their hard work, cooperation as well as continuous efforts with various parties to restore the condition of the national textile.

The Central Board of API, continues to make efforts with other stakeholders, including the government, to find solutions to various problems being faced. One of them is to evaluate the existence of BPDs that were once formed and still exist.