Deputy III of the Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Panutan S. Sulendrakusuma said the government was trying to continue to encourage increased supervision of textile products through Indonesian language labels, SNI labels and certificates of origin (SKA) documents. According to him, this aims to support the development of the domestic textile industry. "KSP continues to strengthen coordination and synergy between Ministries and Institutions in increasing supervision of imported textile products, including the possibility to strengthen existing regulations," Panutan said as quoted by KSP press release, Tuesday (17/5/2022).

Panutan explained, the Textile and Textile Product Industry (TPT) is classified as an industrial strategy and a national priority.

The textile industry has labor-intensive characteristics so that it can absorb a workforce of up to 3.95 million people.

BPS data shows that TPT performance in the first quarter of 2022 grew very well by 12.45 percent (yoy), much better before the pandemic.

Other indicators, such as increased exports, also grew by 28 percent. The condition of utilization of the textile industry is also high, reaching 70-75 percent.

This means that the textile sector has a large economic potential.

"We need to maintain the momentum of good performance with efforts and steps to maintain the domestic market through increased supervision of imported textile products, so that the domestic textile industry can continue to grow and the utilization of the industry can continue to be improved," explained Panutan.

Meanwhile, Director of the Textile, Leather, and Footwear Industry of the Ministry of Industry, Elis Masitoh, said the government had implemented various policies to support the performance of the textile industry.

These include tax allowance incentives, tax holidays, trade remedies, and anti-dumping policies in the upstream sector.

“Improving the performance of the textile industry cannot be separated from various policies implemented by the government. Nevertheless, it is necessary to increase the supervision of imported textile products through checking Indonesian language labels, SNI labels, and SKA documents," said Elis.